Please join Bob Stevens, PE and Jillian Tomaselli, RA as they present Flat Street, Brattleboro: A Mass Timber Feasibility Study on August 7th at the Vermont Forest Industry Network event.
Category: Events
Great River Terrace – Grand Opening
Congratulations to Windham Windsor Housing Trust and everyone involved in the Great River Terrace ‘neighborhood’ project located in north Brattleboro. S&A is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the first permanent supportive housing project in southern Vermont.
To learn more about WWHT and this project visit: and…/great-river-grand-opening-set-fo…?
S&A Presenting at the 1st Annual Vermont Forest Industry Summit
S&A team member, Jillian Tomaselli will be presenting a mass timber feasibility study on a 5 story mixed-use project next Friday, June 29th at the 1st Annual Vermont Forest Industry Summit at Burke Mountain, East Burke, VT.
For more information visit:
Congratulations Jillian Tomaselli, RA !!!
Congratulations Jillian Tomaselli for passing your final Architectural Registration Exam !!!! We thank you for giving us a great reason to take a break from our computers, relax for a moment and eat cake.
NHPA’s 2018 Spring Conference
Historic Preservation & Downtown Conference
Stevens & Associates is proud to sponsor the Preservation Trust of Vermont. Join S&A and M&S Development in Bristol, VT on June 8th for the annual Historic Preservation & Downtown Conference.
2018 Best of Business Award
Thank You! S&A is proud to accept the Vermont Business Magazine’s 2018 Best of Business Award for Best Engineering Firm. Our goal is to continue to provide smart and responsible design to strengthen and improve our communities.
2018 LOCUS National Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods
Bob Stevens, a principal for M&S Development is proud to present at the 2018 LOCUS National Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods on April 23rd.
For more details, please visit:
CNU New England Meet Up: Western New England – April 10th
S&A is excited to co-sponsor an evening of learning and networking with DevelopSpringfield, M&S Development, and CNU New England. Please join us April 10th for the following presentation: TRANSFORMING DOWNTOWNS – Combining urban design with economic strategies to rebuild downtowns, and a *bonus* workshop: PROJECT PRO FORMA WORKSHOP.
For more information visit:
Southern Vermont Housing Summit – Feb 9th

Ham Hodgman, PE presents at IBC Training on January 24th
Hamilton (Ham) Hodgman, PE and Project Manager for Stevens & Associates will be presenting at IBC Training January 24. This seminar will focus on IBC Chapter 17 Special Inspections in Vermont. Ham’s session will cover the areas of Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, and Fire Proofing for primary building systems.
Traditional Building Conference – Dec. 5th & 6th
S&A Architect, Alan Berry is looking forward to attending the Traditional Building Conference December 5th & 6th in Brooklyn, NY.

Proud to Sponsor ~ 2017 Vermont Development Conference
Stevens & Associates and M&S Development are proud sponsors of the 2017 Vermont Development Conference. On November 14th, please join us along with over 275 design, development and real estate professionals for a full day of networking, seminars, and workshops. Tickets are going fast.
For more information visit –
Join Bob Stevens: LOCUS Webinar Nov. 7th
Please join Bob Stevens as he presents: Financing for Projects that Don’t Pencil Out – LOCUS: Smart Growth America Webinar at 1:00 PM on November 7th.
CNU New England Meetup: Western New England ~ Fall Event
On October 10th, Stevens & Associates, M&S Development and DevelopSpringfield will co-sponsor an evening for design, planning and development professionals to meet up and learn about the principles of New Urbanism. The goal is to discover how we can rebuild the fabric of place in New England one project at a time.
Guest Speaker: Mark Westa, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Connecticut will present – A Seated Tour of Downtown Springfield: A case study of urban design – The good, the bad and the other
Please visit HERE for registration and program information.
Catalyst of the Climate Economy National Innovation Summit – Sept. 6th
Join Bob Stevens for the Catalyst of the Climate Economy event on September 6th as he moderates the panel discussion for “Building of the Future: Low Carbon Solutions in our Built Environment”.
Smart Growth Summit ~ June 16th
Join Bob Stevens as he presents at the AARP and VNRC’s Smart Growth Summit at Champlain College on June 16th during the Small Group Discussions – Experts Explore Smart Growth Solutions session.
For more information visit:
CNU New England Meet Up – Western New England
Stevens & Associates, M&S Development and DevelopSpringfield are co-sponsoring an evening for design, planning and development professionals to meet up and learn about the principles of New Urbanism. The goal is to discover how we can rebuild the fabric of place in New England one project at a time.
Putnam Block Open House Presentation – Cat-tv Bennington
The Putnam Block Open House – A Display of Community Interest & Support
Community interest and support was evident last night as Bob Stevens and other developers presented detailed plans for the Putnam Block Redevelopment Project in Bennington, Vermont.
For more information, please visit the Bennington Banner:
M&S Development presenting at the 2017 Main Street Now Conference
Bob Stevens, President of S&A and Principal for M&S Development will present with Craig Miskovich, Esq. and Principal for M&S “Financing Projects That Don’t Pencil Out” at the 2017 Main Street Now Conference on May 2nd in Pittsburgh, PA.—pittsburgh/main-street-now-2017.html?referrer=
Sophomore Career Summit – S&A is proud to lead workshops for careers in Architecture & Engineering
The staff at Stevens & Associates is proud to volunteer at the Sophomore Career Summit on April 26th, and offer students an opportunity to attend workshops focused on careers in engineering and architecture. This event will host approximately 300 students from Windham County.
Please read more about the summit at The Commons Online.
Bob Stevens – presenting at the 2017 LOCUS Leadership Summit in Washington D.C.
Bob Stevens, President of S&A and Principal for M&S Development will participate at the 2017 LOCUS Leadership Summit in Washington D.C. on April 24th. Bob will be joined by M&S partner, Craig Miskovich, Esq. as panelists and presenters during the Beyond P3s, How to Make a Project Viable when Public Private Partnership is not Enough session.
For more information please visit:
To read more about LOCUS: Smart Growth America please click HERE.
Brattleboro Union High School – Careers in Architecture & Engineering Panel Discussion
On April 11th, a team of professionals from Stevens & Associates including four graduates of Brattleboro Union High School participated in a BUHS Careers in Architecture & Engineering panel discussion. The team enjoyed sharing their stories with students and will continue discussions during a BUHS tour of the S&A offices and studios located in downtown Brattleboro, VT.
Stevens & Associates is always grateful and excited for the opportunity to volunteer and support local STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs. For more information about the BUHS – STEM Academy click HERE.
Supporting CNU New England’s 2017 Urbanism Summit ~ Boston, MA
Stevens & Associates along with M&S Development are proud to sponsor CNU New England’s 2017 Urbanism Summit in Boston, MA. Craig Miskovich, a principal for M&S Development, as well as a director and practicing attorney for Downs Rachlin Martin LLP, will join panelist, John Howe, Old Hill Partners for the Financing Urbanist Development: Finding the money to build outside the box session. To learn more about CNU and CNU New England visit:
2017 Spring Vermont Future Business Leaders of America Conference
Stevens & Associates Staff Engineer, Serenity Wolf was delighted to present for Leadership Southeast Vermont at the 2017 FBLA Conference. Other participants included:
Erin Fagley – Digital Marketing Strategist, Brattleboro Retreat
Donna Rothbun – Assistant Compliance Officer, Brattleboro Savings & Loan
Lorelei Morrissette – Resident Opportunity & Self-Sufficiency Coordinator, Brattleboro Housing Partnership
Serenity Wolf – Staff Engineer, Stevens & Associates
Proud To Sponsor the 6th Annual Celebrate Springfield Dinner
On Wednesday, March 15th Stevens & Associates and M&S Development will attend the DevelopSpringfield annual event focused on Celebrating the Advancements of Today; Supporting the Economic Growth of Tomorrow; and Committing to The Future of our City.
For more information on this event and the work of DevelopSpringfield, please click HERE.
Bob Stevens presents, “Role of the Engineer in Society” at UVM
February 24th, Bob Stevens, a graduate of the University of Vermont will be presenting the ‘Role of the Engineer in Society’ sharing his personal experience as an engineer, commercial property owner, and civic-minded community leader. This interactive workshop with students will discuss the pivotal event that inspired Bob to merge engineering with development to create a model for initiating and funding downtown revitalization projects.
2017 Better Building By Design Conference
Stevens & Associates team members are looking forward to attending 2017 Better Buildings By Design Conference. This event offers interactive learning opportunities in the areas of building durability, efficiency, and value for both residential and commercial projects.
Stevens & Associates ~ Proud Sponsors of the UVM ASCE – Student Chapter
The University of Vermont ASCE – Student Chapter will be competing in the 2017 New England Regional Student Steel Bridge Competition April 7th – 9th. S&A staff member, Jamie Martell, a graduate of UVM, competed in the 2015 and 2016 competitions and found the events to add practical value to his undergraduate experience.
Click HERE more information on the UVM ASCE – Student Chapter.
Click HERE to support the fundraising campaign for the 2017 New England Regional Student Steel Bridge Competition.