2019 Trendsetters Award

Congratulations to Serenity Wolf, PE and Civil Team Leader at S&A for being selected as one of the 2019 Trendsetters for Brattleboro and the Monadnock region. Serenity is being recognized with this award for her valuable contribution within the workplace and community.

For more information about this award and the other recognized Trendsetters visit: The Business Journal of Greater Keene


Stevens & Associates Receives Two Merit Awards For Engineering Excellence

S&A is proud to accept  two 2017 Merit Awards for Engineering Excellence from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont for the Putnam Block Redevelopment and Green Street Wall projects.

To read more about the Green Street Wall project, click HERE.

To read more about the Putnam Block Redevelopment project, click HERE.

S&A would like to give a special “Thank You” to everyone involved with these projects.

Governor Shumlin Announces Funding for the Bradley House Project

Congratulations Bradley House!
S&A is honored to provide design & engineering services for your building expansion and grounds beautification project.  As reported in the Brattleboro Reformer: Governor Shumlin in town to announce funding from Community Development Program Bradley House: Senior living facility will get $450,000 for renovations and expansion.

Stevens & Associates and Hilltop Montessori School Wins Award for the Hilltop Arts Barn

S&A and the Hilltop Montessori School are proud to accept a 2016 Merit Award for Engineering Excellence from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont for the Hilltop Arts Barn project. This complex design included an innovative structural use of premanufactured insulated panels to support high walls and large roof loads.  “Thank You” to everyone who helped to create this beautiful multipurpose space.


VT Development Conference in Burlington, VT

Back in December we attended the Vermont Development Conference in Burlington, VT to see what else is going on in the great state of Vermont.  Included at the conference were lots of great presenters discussing development strategy, financing packages, key stakeholders, design, and successful projects around the state.  And one of those projects was the Brooks House presented by Bob Stevens. A big thanks to White + Burke for putting it on. Here’s one of a few videos from the key speakers:



Putney General Store Design Wins Award

We won! Stevens & Associated received an award in this year’s Engineering Excellence Awards Competition, held last month in Waterbury by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Vermont. We received the Grand Award–the highest honor–for our work on the Putney General Store

After the Putney General Store burned in 2008, Bob Stevens, founder and principal of Stevens & Associates, was on the scene, examining historic timbers and existing loading patterns. Time was of the essence—the roof was unsafe and needed to be removed. The existing structure was inadequate, and fixing it while the building was renovated meant removing the first floor and shoring up the building.

In 2009, just as the renovations were being wrapped up, the building burned again, the result of arson. The building needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. Designed by Maclay Architects, the building looked almost identical to the historic structure it replaced. Like the old building, it was cantilevered out over adjoining Sacketts Brook. A steel structure with sunken concrete counterweights supports the new building.

Floodproofing was also integrated into the design for the building. The store straddles a dam, and the flood height is above the damn. Ground water is intercepted through the soil above the dam and is discharged below it. This prevents the damaging forces that water would create during a flood.

Stevens & Associates has won similar awards for other projects in the past, including the Brattleboro Transportation Center, the Wilder Building renovation, and the renovation of its own offices in the Cutler Block in downtown Brattleboro.