Congratulations to the Brattleboro Food Coop, which recently won the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Award for Smart Growth Achievement for Main Street or Corridor Revitalization.
What does that mean? According to EPA, “The Smart Growth awards are given for creative, sustainable initiatives that better protect the health and the environment of our communities while also strengthening local economies.” In other words, EPA is rewarding projects that promote walkable downtowns like Brattleboro’s.
Of the Coop project, EPA says,”The Brattleboro Food Co-op, the town’s only downtown food store, made a commitment to remain at its downtown location by constructing an innovative, four-story green building on Main Street with a grocery store, commercial space, offices, and affordable apartments. The Main Street location provides healthy food, new jobs, and housing within walkable distances of downtown businesses and public transit.”
Stevens & Associates provided civil engineering for the project. More on that in another post.