3-Acre Rule

State of Vermont Developed Lands General Permit Assistance

S&A has a Stormwater Team ready to assist property owners required to comply with the recent 3-Acre Rule for the State of Vermont Developed Lands General Permit.

Rely on our expertise!  Our engineers will guide you through this mandatory, time-consuming and complex task.  Let us help you:

•  Understand what is required
Develop a step-by-step plan
•  Comply with regulations by your property’s specific deadline

How?  Our engineers will offer:

•  Up-to-date information
•  Comprehensive consultation
•  Complimentary preliminary site visit

No matter what your deadline, we are here to assist you.  Don’t wait!

We invite you to view several projects from our Stormwater portfolio.

Want help now? Call (802) 257-9329 and ask to speak with a Stormwater Specialist or click HERE to request a Free preliminary review of your property.